Janeway's platform offers several different components:
Each journal install - which can be added with the click of a button - features a full document and peer-review management system, copy editing, typesetting and proofreading stages, integration with Crossref DOIs, COUNTER-compliant logging (with reporting in development), ORCID sign-in, Crossref similarity check (for plagiarism detection), an e-mail back end that can use Mailgun, OAI-PMH & RSS/ATOM feeds and a full suite of management interfaces including Django's admin interface for super users.
Janeway also comes with a series of plug-ins, , each allowing you to customise the platform for your journal's needs:
Plug-ins can, in theory, indefinitely extend the functionality of the platform. For instance, we are currently working on a book submission and display platform that will allow those running monograph presses to handle these object types. There is also an advanced 'notification' system built into the codebase, so plug-ins can ask to be notified when specific types of event happen, such as submission of a new article.
Another exciting future development is the preprint server functionality. This is an extremely new feature we are developing with partners at California Digital Library. However, the basic idea here is to have a workflow that allows users to solicit comments from their peers on a draft version in the open before providing seamless submission to any journal on the platform. That is: no re-entering metadata, just a one-click 'submit to journal' option. This is a useful feature since many humanities disciplines have a history of circulating working papers for comment before submission. We are simply replicating that community of peers reading each other's work for the digital age.